What is MRI of the Head?
Physicians also use the MR examination to document
brain abnormalities in patients with dementia.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive
medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat
medical conditions.
How should I prepare?
MR imaging uses a powerful magnetic field, radio
You may be asked to wear a gown during the exam or
frequency pulses and a computer to produce detailed
you may be allowed to wear your own clothing if it is
pictures of organs, soft tissues, bone and virtually all
loose-fitting and has no metal fasteners.
other internal body structures. The images can then be
examined on a computer monitor, printed or copied to
Guidelines about eating and drinking before an MRI
CD. MRI does not use ionizing radiation (x-rays).
exam vary with the specific exam and also with the
facility. Unless you are told otherwise, you may follow
Detailed MR images allow physicians to better evaluate
your regular daily routine and take medications as usual.
parts of the body and certain diseases that may not be
assessed adequately with other imaging methods such as
Some MRI examinations may require the patient to
x-ray, ultrasound or computed tomography (also called
swallow contrast material or receive an injection of
CT or CAT scanning).
contrast into the bloodstream. The radiologist or
technologist may ask if you have allergies of any kind,
Currently, MRI is the most sensitive imaging test of the
such as allergy to iodine or x-ray contrast material,
head (particularly in the brain) in routine clinical
drugs, food, the environment, or asthma. However, the
contrast material used for an MRI exam, called
gadolinium, does not contain iodine and is less likely to
cause an allergic reaction.
What are some common uses
The radiologist should also know if you have any serious
of the procedure?
health problems and what surgeries you have undergone.
Some conditions, such as severe kidney disease may
MR imaging of the head is performed to help diagnose:
prevent you from having an MRI with contrast material. tumors of the brain.
Women should always inform their physician or developmental anomalies of the brain.
technologist if there is any possibility that they are vascular anomalies of the head (aneurysm for
pregnant. MRI has been used for scanning patients since
the 1980’s with no reports of any ill effects on pregnant disorders of the eyes and the inner ear.
women or their babies. However, because the baby will stroke.
be in a strong magnetic field, pregnant women should
not have this exam unless the potential benefit from the trauma patients (in selected patients).
MRI is assumed to outweigh the potential risks. disease in the pituitary gland. certain chronic disorders of the nervous system,
If you have claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces) or
such as multiple sclerosis.
anxiety, you may want to ask your physician for a
prescription for a mild sedative. causes of headache.
September 22, 2008 MRI of the Head…1
Copyright © 2008 RSNA RadiologyInfo: http://www.radiologyinfo.org/
Jewelry and other accessories should be left at home if
What does the equipment
possible, or removed prior to the MRI scan. Because they
look like?
can interfere with the magnetic field of the MRI unit,
metal and electronic objects are not allowed in the exam
The traditional MRI unit is a large cylinder-shaped tube
room. These items include:
surrounded by a circular magnet. You will lie on a
moveable examination table that slides into the center of jewelry, watches, credit cards and hearing aids,
the magnet.
all of which can be damaged.
Some MRI units, called short-bore systems, are designed pins, hairpins, metal zippers and similar metallic
so that the magnet does not completely surround you;
items, which can distort MRI images.
others are open on all sides (open MRI). These units are
especially helpful for examining patients who are fearful removable dental work.
of being in a closed space and for those who are very pens, pocketknives and eyeglasses.
obese. Newer open MRI units may provide high quality
images for many types of exams; however, open MRI body piercings.
units with older magnets may not provide this same
quality. Certain types of exams cannot be performed
In most cases, an MRI exam is safe for patients with
using open MRI. For more information, consult your
metal implants, except for a few types. People with the
following implants cannot be scanned and should not
enter the MRI scanning area unless explicitly instructed
The computer workstation that processes the imaging
to do so by a radiologist or technologist who is aware of
information is located in a separate room than the
the presence of any of the following:
scanner. internal (implanted) defibrillator or pacemaker
cochlear (ear) implant some types of clips used on brain aneurysms.
You should tell the technologist if you have any medical
or electronic devices in your body, because they may
interfere with the exam or potentially pose a risk.
Examples include, but are not limited to: artificial heart valves implanted drug infusion ports
implanted electronic device, including a cardiac
pacemaker artificial limbs or metallic joint prostheses implanted nerve stimulators metal pins, screws, plates or surgical staples.
In general, metal objects used in orthopedic surgery pose
no risk during MRI. However, a recently placed artificial
joint may require the use of another imaging procedure.
If there is any question of their presence, an x-ray may
be taken to detect the presence of any metal objects.
Patients who might have metal objects in certain parts of
their bodies may also require an x-ray prior to an MRI.
Dyes used in tattoos may contain iron and could heat up
during MRI, but this is rarely a problem. Tooth fillings
and braces usually are not affected by the magnetic field
but they may distort images of the facial area or brain, so
the radiologist should be aware of them.
MRI of the Head…2 September 22, 2008
RadiologyInfo: http://www.radiologyinfo.org/ Copyright © 2008 RSNA
Physicians also use the MR examination to document
brain abnormalities in patients with dementia.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive
medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat
medical conditions.
How should I prepare?
MR imaging uses a powerful magnetic field, radio
You may be asked to wear a gown during the exam or
frequency pulses and a computer to produce detailed
you may be allowed to wear your own clothing if it is
pictures of organs, soft tissues, bone and virtually all
loose-fitting and has no metal fasteners.
other internal body structures. The images can then be
examined on a computer monitor, printed or copied to
Guidelines about eating and drinking before an MRI
CD. MRI does not use ionizing radiation (x-rays).
exam vary with the specific exam and also with the
facility. Unless you are told otherwise, you may follow
Detailed MR images allow physicians to better evaluate
your regular daily routine and take medications as usual.
parts of the body and certain diseases that may not be
assessed adequately with other imaging methods such as
Some MRI examinations may require the patient to
x-ray, ultrasound or computed tomography (also called
swallow contrast material or receive an injection of
CT or CAT scanning).
contrast into the bloodstream. The radiologist or
technologist may ask if you have allergies of any kind,
Currently, MRI is the most sensitive imaging test of the
such as allergy to iodine or x-ray contrast material,
head (particularly in the brain) in routine clinical
drugs, food, the environment, or asthma. However, the
contrast material used for an MRI exam, called
gadolinium, does not contain iodine and is less likely to
cause an allergic reaction.
What are some common uses
The radiologist should also know if you have any serious
of the procedure?
health problems and what surgeries you have undergone.
Some conditions, such as severe kidney disease may
MR imaging of the head is performed to help diagnose:
prevent you from having an MRI with contrast material. tumors of the brain.
Women should always inform their physician or developmental anomalies of the brain.
technologist if there is any possibility that they are vascular anomalies of the head (aneurysm for
pregnant. MRI has been used for scanning patients since
the 1980’s with no reports of any ill effects on pregnant disorders of the eyes and the inner ear.
women or their babies. However, because the baby will stroke.
be in a strong magnetic field, pregnant women should
not have this exam unless the potential benefit from the trauma patients (in selected patients).
MRI is assumed to outweigh the potential risks. disease in the pituitary gland. certain chronic disorders of the nervous system,
If you have claustrophobia (fear of enclosed spaces) or
such as multiple sclerosis.
anxiety, you may want to ask your physician for a
prescription for a mild sedative. causes of headache.
September 22, 2008 MRI of the Head…1
Copyright © 2008 RSNA RadiologyInfo: http://www.radiologyinfo.org/
Jewelry and other accessories should be left at home if
What does the equipment
possible, or removed prior to the MRI scan. Because they
look like?
can interfere with the magnetic field of the MRI unit,
metal and electronic objects are not allowed in the exam
The traditional MRI unit is a large cylinder-shaped tube
room. These items include:
surrounded by a circular magnet. You will lie on a
moveable examination table that slides into the center of jewelry, watches, credit cards and hearing aids,
the magnet.
all of which can be damaged.
Some MRI units, called short-bore systems, are designed pins, hairpins, metal zippers and similar metallic
so that the magnet does not completely surround you;
items, which can distort MRI images.
others are open on all sides (open MRI). These units are
especially helpful for examining patients who are fearful removable dental work.
of being in a closed space and for those who are very pens, pocketknives and eyeglasses.
obese. Newer open MRI units may provide high quality
images for many types of exams; however, open MRI body piercings.
units with older magnets may not provide this same
quality. Certain types of exams cannot be performed
In most cases, an MRI exam is safe for patients with
using open MRI. For more information, consult your
metal implants, except for a few types. People with the
following implants cannot be scanned and should not
enter the MRI scanning area unless explicitly instructed
The computer workstation that processes the imaging
to do so by a radiologist or technologist who is aware of
information is located in a separate room than the
the presence of any of the following:
scanner. internal (implanted) defibrillator or pacemaker
cochlear (ear) implant some types of clips used on brain aneurysms.
You should tell the technologist if you have any medical
or electronic devices in your body, because they may
interfere with the exam or potentially pose a risk.
Examples include, but are not limited to: artificial heart valves implanted drug infusion ports
implanted electronic device, including a cardiac
pacemaker artificial limbs or metallic joint prostheses implanted nerve stimulators metal pins, screws, plates or surgical staples.
In general, metal objects used in orthopedic surgery pose
no risk during MRI. However, a recently placed artificial
joint may require the use of another imaging procedure.
If there is any question of their presence, an x-ray may
be taken to detect the presence of any metal objects.
Patients who might have metal objects in certain parts of
their bodies may also require an x-ray prior to an MRI.
Dyes used in tattoos may contain iron and could heat up
during MRI, but this is rarely a problem. Tooth fillings
and braces usually are not affected by the magnetic field
but they may distort images of the facial area or brain, so
the radiologist should be aware of them.
MRI of the Head…2 September 22, 2008
RadiologyInfo: http://www.radiologyinfo.org/ Copyright © 2008 RSNA
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