Set aside enough time to really delve into the task at hand. Before you log on to an auto insurance site, gather up your current insurance policy, have your driver's license number handy and your vehicle registration by your side. Now you're ready to adequately compare auto insurance.
Keep in mind that some companies may not be able to give you a quote right away. You may have to wait for them to send you an e-mail or contact you later. If you're pressed for time, you can always pick up the phone and speak to a live agent.
While comparing auto insurance, keep a record of what you find so that you can compare your notes later. When visiting each auto insurance company website or talking to a live representative, you should take note of several things:
- Make sure to keep your coverage limits the same with each company so that you can later compare the difference in the annual and monthly rates.
- Jot down a toll-free number for each company you are comparing so that you can call to ask questions you can't get answered online.
- Know when your payment will be due and what will happen if you are late on any of your payments.
- Find out what discounts each auto insurance company offers and which ones you'll be able to take advantage of.
- When you compare auto insurance, it's important to look up each company's ratings from consumers and from a financially stable standpoint.
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