Saving money these days means that you have to examine all of the areas in your life that you could potentially pay less. One of these areas that you may want to look at is auto insurance. People often purchase insurance and never question their insurance company as to whether or not they are getting the best insurance rates. By spending a few minutes shopping around for car insurance, you could potentially save hundreds of dollars per year.
The question still remains – Who has the best car insurance rates Geico, Progressive, Allstate, Nationwide, Sate Farm, or Liberty Mutual? The answer to this question is not so simple. If one insurance company always had lower rates than the others, there would be no competition and one insurance company would rule. Each of these car insurance companies offer competitive rates which are usually within a few dollars of each other. Rates vary from day to day and you may receive a different quote on any given month. The only way to determine which company will give you the lowest rates is to shop around and compare similar insurance policies.
Author: Mike Smitt
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